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How to overcome Devils when we're attacked!

After writing the truth, shall set you free! I received two comments, from two men talking to me on a video, I did not understand what they were saying, and told my daughter; I did not know what they were saying, but I knew they did not like me very much, went to bed that night, and the Holy Spirit interpreted for me, and he said, they were saying, I need to be locked up! But what they were thinking, in their hearts, I needed to be killed. And they were the men: who tried to scam Elvis Presley’s mansion, and they could operate with no pressure, from our officials, because they cannot be prosecuted,  because they have different laws, and they do not recognize America Authority, their able to operate outside a country laws, so I give it back to God, for instance I could not get over; how they knew it was me, then the Holy Spirit; reminded me of Matt 8:28 two demon met Jesus, and they question Jesus, they knew who he was, and they ask: “What do you want of us, Son of God? Have you come here to torture us before the appointed time?” They hated me, because I called my self: a Prophet. We have to understand, that it’s a Nation of over 230 million with about 50% Muslin, with 48.1% Christian and last year 8000 Christians were killed by Islamist’s and 62,000 since the year 2000, I wrote a bloc monkey see monkey do, may 12, 2024, I used parables to write it, because the Holy Spirit had just told me that president Trump life was being threaten, and I did not want; to help in anyway, to help them threaten his life, because the Bible talks about those with weak minds, that might get ideas by just talking about it, the title should have been, warning to all hypocrites! Because it was being initiated by people who was saying one thing and doing another, like judas Iscariot who betrayed Jesus who acted like a disciple, and was plotting to use Jesus to overthrow Rome, from Israel. And like Judas they are selling their souls, in a lake of fire, for money For I have been given; Moses spirit, the Holy Spirit had me write monkey see monkey do, then show me the scripture Isaiah 54:17 “No weapon forged against you will prevail, and I will refute every tongue that accuses you.” Just like  before Jesus was getting ready, to offer his life on the cross, He threw the money changer from the temple, and just before the rapture of the church, the Holy Spirit is removing the traitors, of the good news, He start with removing the hypocrites, because He knows that the Devil is using hypocrites to divide his church, because Jesus; taught that were saved by mercy and grace, so he allow false preacher, and teachers, to infiltrate his church by lies, by saying, that they are the true church, because they have the true doctrine, but the truth is, Jesus Christ, said anyone who believes, that He was born of a virgin birth, and who believes He give His life for them on the cross, and confesses with their mouth that Jesus is Lord of Lords and King of Kings, and loves others, as themselves are saved. Afterall in Acts 4:32,33, “All believers were one in heart, and mind. No one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they shared everything they had. With great power, the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and much grace, was with them all. You see they never understood, what the word love means, but are jealous, of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, that why Jesus made it a commandment, we must understand that God is a creator, and the best the devil can do is try to fake, or duplicated Jesus’ healing and miracles with lies. Just like Jesus said in John 8:42-47 “Jesus said to them, If God were your Father, you would love me, for I came from God and now am here. I have not come on my own; but he sent me. Why is my language not clear to you? Because you are unable to hear what I say. You belong to your father the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desire. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speak his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. Yet because I tell the truth, you do not believe me! Can any of you, prove me guilty of sin? If I am telling the truth, why don’t you believe me? He who belongs to God hears what God says. The reason you do not hear is that you do not belong to God.” These two men hide behind Nigeria being a poor nation, to steal, but the Quran teaches You must cut the hands off a thief, then the Quran teaches Surah Al-Maidah 32 Neither kills a child, nor woman, nor an aged man. Bring no harm whoever takes a life unless as a punishment for murder or mischief in the land-it will be as they killed all humanity; and whoever saves a life, it will be as if they saved all of humanity. For instance; Saudi Arabia citizens are Sunni and Iranian over 90% are Shia, kind of like our church’s denomination being a true muslin and following the Quran Saudi Arabia help protect Israel, from the strike against Israel, because they believed the Quran. In the Holy Bible teaches that vengeance is God’s; and no one but Gods. So, he had me, write the Blog, Monkey see, Monkey do, remember me saying I had to write it in parables, because I did not want to influence any weak mind person, from carrying it out. And after the investigation is completed, we will find out, what truly happened, the shooter  was paid for by people who recruited him because he had a weak mind because they thought; if he was caught he would pled insanity and get house arrest, and live at home, but our God Jesus, had seen it over 2000 years ago, and saved ‘Our Beloved President Donald Trump’ and now the whole world will know that Jesus Christ is our Lord of Lord, and King Kings, if you have watch the news, We have all seen the mockery of our Lord; last supper, and heard about Italian boxer Angela Carini quits after having her noise broken and the pain, was so intense after being hit by Aman Khalif who failed her gender test in 2023. So, let me ask you: maybe you would like to fight someone you mocked? Jesus knew over 2000 years ago, how it would be just before the rapture, of the church. Because he was the only begotten Son of God, who loved us, and took our place, so you remember Jesus said He Come not to abolish the law, but to fulfill it, and he fulfilled it by his crucifixion on the cross, so it only by faith; can we be saved. the shooter was recruited because he was slow of mind, when we believe in Jesus were saved, but when we believe in a man or a denomination or a building, we will spend eternity in a lake of fire. And that why Monkey see Monkey do should say: warning to all Hypocrites! Moses had the same problem in Numbers 12 when Aaron and Miriam Moses’ brother and sister was inflicted with leprosy because they rebelled against Moses, and I had the same problem with one of my younger sister Shirley, who thought what I was doing was: witch craft, because our dad; thought a very small denomination was the true church, and Shirley had never read the Bible, but relied on our dad assessment,  the same dad; that whip his baby boy, that could not talk ,craw, or turnover, with his belt, that made me studder until I started school, but what my dad did not know, there is a lot of money in religion, and denomination fight over every person; not for Jesus, but for money. and my nephew Mike, who send me a comment: calling me all kinds of names saying, I was just a piece of feces, he did not use that word, but a more gross word which is sold waste from our stool, my daughter, Seen it, and deleted it, so I ask my daughter to try to unfriend him, because when he is diagnosed with Gastric cancer, he will try to get in touch; to apologize to me, and want me, to pray for him, he also had some false teaching, because he thinks, you can drink, do drugs, lie, cheat, and tell lies, on people, and all you have to do, to is ask; forgiveness in the name, of Jesus, but that is not Jesus teaching, we must repent, which means; be sorry an sincere regret or remorse for our wrong doing, what he doing is lying; what he, and many other don’t understand, is what he did was a curse from the Lord Jesus Christ, I’m just a massager, because the way they are treating his children, and the only one that can forgiven them, is Jesus himself. And all I did was allowing him to come live with me for months because he was homeless, after he lost his CDL for a DWI, my sin, is trying to help him. Like said by men of the world, no good deed goes unpunished, after all Jesus said; in Luke 12:15 “Watch out! be on your guard, against all kind of greed; a man life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.” In Roman 12: 20, If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if thirsty, give him something to drink. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. And with the law, brings pride; he hates me, because he wants to live under the law of the commandments, although, he can verily walk, and will soon die from breaking the third commandment, to honor your father and your mother. His biggest sin is jealousy, just like Joe Biden; is Jealousy of president Trump, if you think he just senile, it from the commandment, you shall not steal, or the commandment you shall not give false testimony against your neighbor, wisdom: begins with fear of God, you see he was taught by a false teacher, that we live under the law, which is the minimum standard, because God knew he was sending his Son for the permanent agreement with man, so he try to hindered the Good News, or Gospel, which means truth. My ministry was healing and miracles, with all the gifts of the Holy Spirit, Why would I make up such a story, because you will soon see epidemic stomach cancer, for instance I tried to get on true social, and tried to find out what was wrong, and I text with a man name James, and he wanted my credit card for $45.00 to help me, and I told him it was suppose to be free, he said he could not help me without the 45.00 so I prayed about it, and was told, it just another scam. Just like the democratic party has sold our nation to the devil, because they too hate all of us. Because they are now ready to give America to the World Health Organization, then we will have to receive a computer chip on our right hand or forehead as in Revelation 13:16, “He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead” Church our Days are numbered, let me ask everyone a question, why would any sane, person, put their self through; what I’m going through, being laugh at and ridiculed, because I’m not an influencer, or selling anything, but just a person who loves Jesus Christ! Like President Trump said: It not him; it really the church, he just in their way, and we now know, they want to kill him, just like the Apostle John, told us 2000 years ago, so I’m asking anyone who has an account on true social, or X, please reposted it on all social media because Jesus said in Matthew 10:42 “And with anyone gives a cup of cold water to one of these little ones because he is my disciple, I tell you the truth, he will certainly not lose his reward.” Notice how they always try to tear down our forefathers’ statues, and change the names, on any school with their names on them. I would like to ask the Olympic committee, if you think it a fair fight, you against God, that because you hate our God and anyone who is made in his image, which is all mankind, the devil has plotted for centuries; of how he was going to enslave, all mankind Thanks to Joe Biden and the Democratics, if Trump does not win in November no one will be able to buy, sale, or trade without receiving their W.H.O. passport just given by the democratic party. And let me radiate we are at the most dangerous time in history, remember our forefather told us our nation was an experiment, and it was up to us to keep it, because our forefather gives us the right of free speech, to be able to worship any God we want, before our Nation every other kingdom had to worship whoever their king worshiped, we all have to be watchful, and pray for our nation. The democratic are only running on, the candidate complexion, and Rev Martin Luther King only wanted, his people to be treated by their character, he only asks that we not be treated with contempt, or ridiculed and we all know that God created all mankind, so we know that he loves all of us, no matter what color our complexion, And we know that the Holy Spirit is all knowing, and he look at our heart, that why Jesus commanded we love one another, and Rev King loved all like; his Lord Jesus, We must understand if we hate anyone, we will NOT be in the rapture, of the Believers of Jesus Christ. And just to let you know, I did not know, that I was the prophet of fire, until the year 2000, and I now know; why Jesus had to come to my house, because a previous prophet has to introduce you into the office, of a prophet, and the previous prophet was Jesus Christ ask anyone who know anything about the Jewish nation, that did not recognize him as their Messiah, but all knew he must be at least a prophet, and Elijah spirit was Use by John the Baptist and I’m able to trace that spirit to a certain man from Israel, its true I cannot do it without the Holy Spirit, So I would like to ask the Olympic Committee, and all the world politicians, are you ready for your match with the invisible God, the Lord, and King, of all the people you mocked, and made fun, of and ridiculed. Now it his turn! where will he hit you? O’! I know because it was published, May 12, 2024 don’t worry it not in your nose, like you managed for Angela Carini to receive, you took a world event, that our best young people come to compete in, O’ I see now! it written down, it stomach cancer, forget about the person who wrote it, he just a secretary for the Holy Spirit, it above his rank, he calls himself prophet of God, the Lord use him, because everything he said; Happens! I cannot get over how you can insult million of people, and think a Living God, would not respond, and you will think it another epidemic. But you have caused this one, because of your pride, rudeness, and hatred of your fellow man. And like the people you made fun of, you do not know the different between a lie, and the truth. We have a saying in America, go woke and go broke, see how many people watch your Olympics, I could say a lot of nice things, about the past Olympics, but 2024 will be remember for: ‘your insults’. And our new epidemic, you give to our world, hypocrites being removed, by stomach cancer, both secular and religious, because the world is so corrupt, we cannot live, with Jesus: had not put a new curse on the world, because the church will soon: be hunted down and killed, because we offend someone with the Truth. Just think President Trump had not turned his head at the right second, and the bullet hit his ear, you don’t think God cannot bring stomach cancer, on everyone who thinks they can steal and take advantage of the elderly, and poor, because you need some more drugs, that just another way of saying because of your selfishness and greedy, you think their weak, and don’t have the money to fight back, just like you change the name baby and call it a fetus, so you can kill it, for more money, because it cannot defended itself, but it called embryo, and for the Olympic committee, the way we know what a woman is, they can carry babies and a men cannot, and they attached more emotion, because they will fight a grizzly bear to protect their baby, because they know that baby is fragile easily broken, and a man is not, so we called them the weaker sex but most men know they would not fight a grizzly bear, but they do it out of love for their baby, because their the more loving of the sexes, remember God distinguished between them calling us man and the female-woman them a man, because they were created for that reason, that why men love them and want to protected them, because without them, both man and woman know there something missing, in each of them, but because you believed a lie you will have to suffer with your stomach on fire. To let you know, there a living God, that calls himself Jesus Christ and told us about a lake of fire that A-Waits for anyone, that has not confessed Jesus as their Lord! and King of Kings, remember they mocked and laugh, and put a crown of thorns on him, just before he gives his life on the cross, to paid for our salvation. Jesus has already gone thru your ridicule and your mocking, so his church would not have to. An antidote in 2018, my Granddaughter is married to an Airman in the U.S. Airforce, and they had been stationed in Japan, and he was reassigned to a base in Idaho, her husband had to go on to his new duty station, so she come to visit with family here, and we went to a nursing home, to visit her great grandfather and great grandmother on her grandmother side, and as we were leaving, we were walking down the hall, and I was holding the hand of my 2 yr old great grandson, and he pull loose from my hand, and started running, there was deputy sheriff coming from the opposite direction, and he started pulling himself up his leg, I did not know what to think, then my granddaughter come from behind us, and explained, he must have thought that the deputy was his dad, because of his uniform, and by this time my great grandson and the deputy was long lost friends, hugging each other, and the deputy said: he did not mind, that he had a son at home, and if his son would do the same thing he would hope, he would be loved and treated well also, that little boy is 8 yr old, and learned to read by age 4, by his older brother who is 2 years older, his older brother is an exception child, which was a honor student, from the time he started kindergarten, his teacher in Germany calls him, her little professor; she talking in faith, just like that embryo, that they want everyone to call a fetus because, when you call it a baby, most women want to protect that baby. Most like exception people, there always those who are jealous of them, but look back in history and see what they have done for the world, Thomas Edison, Albert Elnstein, Elon musk, These people are gifts to the world, I do not know that deputy name, but some day, that little boy might be president, or senator, or doctor, and he can think; that my old best friend, because it not the geniuses, but it the people who have to work a little harder to achieve their goals, they are the 4 star General George Patton, not 5 star general  David Eisenhower, We must understand, whom much is given, much is expected. God does not expect us to do miracle, but just be ourselves, and let me say, I do not know Thomas Crooks parents, but I will tell you; they are outstanding people, with a lot of patience, and a lot of love for others, and just because their son was a little slow, they love him more, when were a little slow, we want to prove, that were normal, and heartless people will take advantage of that.                                      


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