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Man’ verse God? We read in the book of Isaiah chapter 53, that our Messiah or Christ verse 1-12 Isaiah was the Apostle Paul of the Old Testament, his book is a miniature Bible that was written 700 to 790 years before Jesus was born, and I was chosen, before I was conceived in my mother womb to be a witness, and Isaiah is also called a witness: a witness is a person who can testify in a court of law, of what they have seen or heard, and in order to be a witness for God, you have to be correct 100 percent of the time. To help you understand, I wrote a blog, when Billy Graham died, and the whole; of the blog, he was just passing thru on his way to heaven, everyone has famous quotes, and brother Graham famous quote is, when wealth is lost, nothing is lost; when health is lost, something is lost; when character is lost, all is lost.” I think that quote, tells us the true character of Rev Billy Graham, that why all our president’s sought his wisdom, because he did not judge them, but love them, and pray for them. And that mandate was from Jesus Christ, when he said love other as yourself. But what I wanted to tell you about, is a story, the Holy Spirit told me, one day, this old pastor was feeling sorry for himself, he was in, his little country church, thinking: how his calling: had not amounted to much? he had never preached to a larger crowd of more than 60 people at one time, then he thought: who was he, trying to fool, more like 30 people, about that time the Holy Spirit spoke to him, telling him, that he had millions of people next to his name, then the old preacher, said to the Holy Spirit, Lord I know that your all-knowing, but you have made a mistake! Then the Holy Spirit said! Jesus had to come, because God, our heavenly Father, knew; that man was weak, and knew we could not be Holy, without his help, so before the outline of the earth was formed, he had decided to send his one and only son, to give his life, on a wooden cross for all mankind. Then the Holy Spirt explained to him, that the church is a team: a team to do’ God will, not their own, to love others as themselves, then asked him: with he remember a young man name Billy, that the old pastor had talk too, prayed for, counsel with, about when people hate us, we must love them, then He told the old pastor, whatever we do anything in love, that He will testify about it, in heaven, and it will become a permanent record for us, because it was done in love, because it glorified Jesus Christ, and so every time: Billy Graham preached, and someone accepted  Jesus, he testified, about it: because it, was done in love, that helped ‘Billy become the humble servant that he was. Because it glorifies Jesus Christ. And every time, the Son of Man or the head of the church is glorified, that He, the Holy Spirit, testifies about his love in helping his young servant, Billy Graham. Because of his love, and helped him, to love others, as he loved himself. Have you ever seen someone, that is evil, they live in misery’ and they are in pain, and are sick all the time, but they keep on living, have you ever wondered why, if you read Galatian 6:7 “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows; to please his sinful nature, will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.” We have all seen entertainer, or movie stars, that treat; their parents with contempt, and they are always in pain, with arthritis, or knee or hip replacement or cancers, maybe I notice it: because the Holy Spirits has given me the gift of knowledge, and the gift of decerning of spirit’s. this scripture helped me to write the blog: monkey see monkey do! Like Apostle Paul said God cannot be mocked. It’s not that God hates them, but he would rather us have pain, then lose our eternal soul in a lake of fire, and I want everyone to know: that to God our eternal soul; is the reason ‘why Jesus had to come and died: in our place. So, the Holy Spirit, could come and live in us, So, when we hate anyone, we hate God. Because we are mocking Jesus’s death on that wooden cross, and saying what a foolish God, that God had to come and take my place! In the early seventy, I was fulfilling my ministry as an Evangelist, I carried credential with the Assembly Of God, They was called, the Christian Workers Permit: given to those that sign, and wonders follow, otherwise called, Healings and miracles, and the others had: to graduate from one of their colleges, which was the most accepted way, and I was the third person, to be given the workers permit and I was treated just like Jesus was, when they lied about him; and said: He was doing his miracles, by the prince of demons; Beelzebub but in Matt 12: 31 tells us that blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven. Because Jesus knew, that someday they would call his followers the same.  I was able to perform miracle, because I was given the gift of Knowledge, that being able to see in my spirit, where someone is sick or hurting, and when the Holy Spirit would show me, I knew that He wanted to heal them, and I would tell them, they are: healed in the NAME OF JESUS CHRIST! And I always thought: don’t you understand that this is not me, but Jesus Christ: the same God, the same Jesus, that told his disciple do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for my gift, my father promised, as talked about in Acts 1:4 He just using my body, and: How Happy I ‘am because he is truly the living God! How could anyone Hate me!  Afterall: does it not say in Matt 15:4 honor your father and mother and anyone who curses: his father, and mother, must be put to death. Have you ever wondered why God would tell us that, they must be put to death. Because Jesus told us thru John his belove disciple. In Rev 11:1-4 where he gives power to his two witnesses, but he tells us in Matt 10:35” For I have come to turn ‘a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother in-law a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.’ Because Jesus knew that the Devil; would use are family against us. If we read Rev chapter 16 God’s Angels will deliver prayer bowls on Jesus enemies and it tells how our rivers, and lakes, oceans, will turn to blood, how tumors will break out on our bodies. This will happen after the believers are taken to heaven but He send his two witnesses in the 11 chapter of Revelation, and because Jesus followers will be persecuted, before the rapture to make his followers afraid to follower Jesus, by our own courts system, that has taken an oath to defend us, but will be our biggest bullies, will be our own government, because man will always make fun of, and ridicule, what they do not understand, and the Bible has to be revealed, no matter how smart you are, you will not be able to understand it, unless it revealed to you. Jesus told us in Matt 24: If you remember history, Jesus and his disciple were walking pass the temple, and Jesus was teaching them, and they ask, what would be the signs of the end, and they point out, how beautiful the temple was, and Jesus told them, that not one stone would be left on another, then in 70 AD emperor Titus burned the temple to the ground, and the gold, that was store in the temple, melted between the stones, and they had to take picks, to remove the gold from the stones, so like Jesus said; not one stone was left on another, I’m telling you this; to let you know that all prophecy has to be fulfilled, Titus was just putting down; a rebellion, and he destroy the Temple, but Jesus said the future will be filled with tension, disasters wars, growing wickedness, because were still fighting over the law, verse mercy and grace, some are still  trying to protect the law, over love for their fellow man. What most do not realize, is the law was only temporary until the Messiah came, to take his place, as our righteous King of all Kings, and the law was a curse, for all who ever broke the law. In order to understand let’s go back John 2:16 when Jesus; drove the money changers from the Temple, and they question him? Verse 18, demanded of him, “what miraculous sign can you show us to prove your authority; to do all of this?” Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple” and I will raise it again in three days.” And Jesus proved it in John 20:1-23 After Jesus Appear to his disciples and let them examine his wounds on his hands and in his side, then said to Peter in John 21:15 “Simon Peter, son of John, do you truly love me, more than these?” Yes Lord,” he said, you know that I love you.” Jesus said feed my lambs.” Again, Jesus said, “Simon son of John, do you truly love me?” Take care of my sheep.” The third time he said to him, Simon, son of John, do you love me?” He said, Lord you know That I love you,” Jesus said, “Feed my sheep. I tell you the truth, when you were younger you dressed yourself and went where you wanted; but when you are old you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will dress you, and lead you where you do not want to go.” Jesus said this to indicate the kind of death by which Peter would glorify God. Then he said to him, “Follow me” Peter turned and saw that the disciple, whom Jesus loved, was following them, this was the one, who leaned back against Jesus at the supper table, and had said, Lord, who is going to betray you?” When Peter saw him, he asked, Lord, what about him?” This is the disciple who testifies to these things and who wrote them down. We know that his: testimony is true. Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world, would not have room for the books that would be written. When John the beloved disciple wrote this, he did not understand it, but he knew it was important, but Jesus was talking to his disciple, that john wrote about in Rev chapter 11 he was talking to me the witiness, that John wrote about in Revelation chapter 11, did he not say in Acts 7:37 This is that Moses who told the Israelites, God will send you a prophet like me, from your own people.’ He was in the congregation in the desert, with your fathers and with the angel spoke to him on Mount Sinai and he received living words to pass on to us. This prophecy’s was fulfilled, May 30, 1944, after Jesus spoke, and called a baby, that had not been conceived in his mother womb, because his, mother loved Jesus, and had the gift of love, this baby has memory in his mother womb, he remembers his mother being upset, because she already had two children, and she was carrying her third baby, so she was begging the Lord, that her husband, to be spare from the draft, because, he had already been notify to report to be train as an paratrooper, and was shipped out for training, and a short time later, he was called out and told to return home, because he was more valuable at his civilian job, as he could be as a soldier, because he made molds to pour steel in, for tanks and airplanes parts. It seems Firestone notify; the military, that they could not fulfilled their parts without him. And that baby heard her, was in his wife womb, was the writer of this blog, that can testify, that his mother was afraid; that he would be killed, and her babies’ need their dad. Who later wrote the diary of unborn Mary, because he had so many memories, when he was in his mother womb. In which he did not understand, until Jesus come to his home, in the year 2000, and told him, that he had called him, to be his prophet, before he was conceived in his mother womb, then told him, how he was able to use him, before his time, because of his love for his fellow man, One of my favorite story is found in 2 Kings 6:17, when the Syrian king sent his vast army to arrest; God prophet Elisha, nearly scaring Elisha servant to death, until Elisha pray and ask the Lord to open his eyes and let him see, and he seen the Lord vast army, and Elisha prayed again; to blind the Syrian army, them Elisha arrest, their whole army and march them into Samaria and the king of Israel; ask if he should kill them all, and Elisha replied No, do not kill them! set food and water before them, Elisha prayed that their eyes be opened. Elisha show mercy and grace to the Syrian army, that why Our God chose to put Moses spirit in a baby, that had not been conceived. Until our lord prayed, that he begiven Moses Spirit, because he knew moses; would also give mercy and grace to his enemies. Just like the Apostle Paul was born, he had a Jewish mother, and a Roman father, and was given the name, Saul, which was Jewish, and the name Paul, which was Roman, so he was called Saul of  tarsus, until he was converted to an Apostle, then he became Paul, of Tarsus, and Paul means small Maybe; God was showing us, With Saul of tarsus, that power does not come from size, but by the spirit, you see when he was Saul, he was persecuting Jesus church, but after he believe; in Jesus he found real power, which is love, on July 13, in Butler Penn the attempt assassination of D. J. Trump, I wrote a Blog called Monkey see Monkey do, I published it in May 12, 2024, I had to use parable to write it, because I did not want to give; anyone any idea’s But I was told by the Holy Spirit that President Trump’s life was in danger, because it would soon be made known, that Trump will win in a landslide, and when a wild animal is trap it become dangerous, and when the democratic party finds out they will lose in Nov, they will become dangerous, we must remember that love for money is the root of evil, in 2015, I told how the democratic party was selling excess to America, to the drug cartels for drugs and human trafficking, or modern day slavery, for sex, and labors, to give America hyperinflation and take away the love of God, and give man hatred for one another, Remember me telling you, that the devil decided to turn the church: against itself, all he had to do, was have his demons whisper in our ears, that they are enlighten, and their brothers were not, and point out to us, that they were right, and their not, because were enlighten, you see their brother are weak, and believe everyone else is weak, but their denomination, they forgot, that our God is alive and almighty, and the devil was the second in command, and because of pride, he wanted to be like God, his name was Lucifer which means morning star or bearer of light or greatest of the angels, that became a traitor to all mankind, because he was jealous; of God, because he was a creative being, and he did not know how to creative anything but chaos. Church we all need to pray for our U.S. Supreme court, Ken Paston, the A/G of Texas after listening to the News I, heard the democratic leaders threaten them, they are very upset, because they are not listening to their threats, and are doing their jobs without bias, and are ruling with our constitution. I told the story of Elisha arresting the Syrian army, by blinding them, that what the Lord has done to the democratic party, because he is given back mercy, and grace, for their hatred, and their murdering of our children, by selling then their poison, by allowing the drug cartels excess to America. Notice I do not go after; the drug cartels, but after the traitors of the democratic leaders, who are making money by selling access to America. I would like to compare the Republican party to the democratic party, they both think their right or correct, one is willing to cheat or lied, to win their  point, the other is not, just like my self when I was a child, teachers always thought, I was cheating on my exams but, I was not, because I would always score very high, but I could not do my homework, because I delivered three paper routes, no one knew it, but I was paying the house payment, and helping to buy groceries from the time I was nine years old, and my dad was a very prideful person, that thought that was his job, and despised me, and show his contempt by whipping me at lease three times a week. And thought by not buying an automobile more expense that a Chevrolet was being humble, but Jesus told a story about a poor widow putting more in the treasury, then everyone else, by putting two copper coins in, that was less than a penny because she give everything she had in Mark 12:42, then shortly after opening a new church in the seventy in Pekin Il, that the Holy Spirit had told me to open, I was summon to a meeting with my presbyter, after arriving I was pepper with many question, like who give you permission, to open your church? I wanted to answer with the Bible, Jesus had told all his follower to go into the world, and preach the word, instead I answer: the Holy Spirit, I could not believe that the Holy Spirit was not recognized as part of The God Head, my papers that I carried, give me authority to preach the word of God, to hold meeting, to perform anything in the Bible, like marriage ceremony, and all; but the presbyter, wanted to pull my credentials, but the presbyter, wanted to put me on probation and watch me, If I would move my Church to North Pekin, from the south side, I went by and looked at the building in north Pekin, and it was half the size, of the one I already had, and the building that I had, was not big enough, because our evening service was already running over a hundred people, and I was trying to figure out, how we could serve more people, and I knew that Jesus said “Preach the good news whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.” I went by their building a Couple months ago, on a Sunday morning, when they should have been having services, and the number of cars in the parking lot, the building in north Pekin would have too big for then, the one they tried to force on me, and when they stand before Jesus at the white Throne, he will ask them, why they hated the good news so much. You see I was already working very hard, and they were trying to make me labor more. In the seventy they were running, about 1400, with five pastors, please understand, my ministry is very intents, like Jesus, I have to talk to the Holy Spirt a lot, because I have to depend on him for my every thought, or sigh, because my secular job, was 12 hours a day, then I had to maintain the church, like cleaning, cutting the grass, clean the parking lot, I was already working hard, and they wanted me, to add another service, I knew I could not do it, so one morning I just stood up and give my noticed, that I was not going to do it. I was just so tired and exhausted, I know now: I should have taken my concerned to the Lord, I know I let the Holy Spirit down, because He later told me, he wanted us, to be the larger congregation, because we were already the largest! even those we only had about a hundred in our evening services, and they had about 1400, but I was teaching Love, and they were teaching man version, which were programs, and committees, how to reach out, and I was teaching honor, love, respect for all, and teaching how to have faith in Jesus, how to serve Jesus, how to be happy: with what we have, other words, whatever the Holy Spirit would direct me to teach. But what my distractor: did not know, some day they will stand, in front of Jesus Christ: and explained, to Him why they hated his servant, so much! And the Holy Spirit will explain to them. If the rapture would have occurred then in the seventy, we would had more in the rapture then our sister church although, they out number us, by such a larger number because we love others as ourselves. And they were trying to obey the law, and NOT honor Jesus’s commandment, to love other as ourselves. I notice they are trying to put all the blame on Thomas crook, for the attempted, assassination of president Trump, and now he had all his social media was erased, then we find the powerful Sen Robert Menendez chair of the Finance Committee chair of foreign relations was convicted of failure to register as a foreign agent, Notice the democratic party have laws for others, but not for them, why would they prosecute one of their own, unless it was to take the spotlight off who really behind the Assassination of president Trump, like a Nation that hates president Trump because, he destroy their pride, by taking their wealth, and they know when he president again, he will be harder then before. And Menendez would not go along with murder, their trying to put him back in line, Schumer ask him to resign from his committees, if he was a republican, they would be asking him what kind of food he wanted in prison, so they could figure out where to sent him. Afterall being a thief, is different than murder. I would like to know, was the sniper that saved president Trump? Was he secret service, or sheriff dept, or state Police, because he an America Hero.  After writing the blog, monkey see monkey do, I would like everyone to read some of the comment, I Received, like. “Who do you think you are?” Do you really believe your Moses?” and I would like too answer, The Holy Spirit does, and that what matters, and I have moses Spirit, just like John the Baptist, had Elijah Spirit like my twins Great Granddaughters, that never seen my wife their great grandmother has my wife, facial expression, her expressions, act just like her, it does not mean they’re a carbon copy, but some of Moses characteristics, Moses is associated with the law, and Jesus come to fulfill the law, not to annulled it, and if you want to make the transition from the law to love Just like when the Messiah come, he sent Elijah spirit in John the Baptist, read Matt 11:14 ”And if you are willing to accept it, he is the Elijah who was to come He who has ears, let him hear.” And the Lord witness to prepare the church for the rapture is found in Revelation Chapter 11, I would like to director you to in verse 1 of Rev Chapter 11 the Angels were given a measuring rod, so they could enlarge the temple in Heaven, because of all the worshipers of the Gentiles, because of these two lamp stand that stand before the Lord night and day, that because, they get their witness from the Holy Spirit, that stands before the Lord night, and day. Remember me telling you, that my ministry depended on the Holy Spirit, for my every word and breath. People are upset, because I have such good health, for an eighty-year-old man. With not a pain in my body. Understand my good health convicts the nonbeliever, just like my witness condemns those who hate God, they curse God children, because they cannot curse God, that why I wrote the blog Monkey see Monkey do, when they attack God’s, prophet they are attacking God, and they will be consume with stomach cancer, which will feel like fire of your soul. And as bad that may be, it a blessing because as long as they have breath, they can repent and ask forgiveness, in the blood of Jesus Christ, the only thing that can’t be forgiven; is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, and that why it so bad, when we attack these two wittiness, they are depending on the holy Spirit for their every breathe. Now please notice Rev 13:3 This scripture is for the whole world, “one of the heads of the beast seemed to have, had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was astonished and followed the beast. Men worshiped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast, and they also asked, who is like the beast? Who can war against him? like I said prophecy had to be revealed, and this prophecy is telling us about J.F. K. Assassination of 1963 and the attempted assassination of D.J. Trump July 13, 2024 but because of the grace of Jesus Christ it failed. but was purchased: by a foreign nations, I am trying to tell the world, that you will now see another epidemic but now it will be stomach cancer, because we cannot depend on our leaders to protect us from the evil of politics, So God Holy Spirt will protect his children, from evil, D.J. Trump loved his Nation, and fellow man, and could not be bought, so they thought they had, to kill him. I would like to make clear, that the Assembly of God is one of the best denomination on earth, but had a state superintendent, that had a spirit of greed, and died from stomach cancer, plus the ladies of my congregation that led the rebellion against me in the seventy, that I did not know about, but was told about by, the Holy Spirit, because they were acting like their farther the devil, because they hated God prophet, that why we should not judge others, because we will be judge by God himself, because the Holy Spirt is like Jesus, all knowing. And will take action, that we might not want, I’m saying what it was prophesied about the devil, who can fight against him, because he knows everything in our hearts. Because he the perfect judge. Because he will testify for all of us, because he the third person of the trinity. Just like after I publish monkey see monkey do, I was notified I was being removed from Facebook, and I was frantic, and the Holy Spirt told, me to just ignore it, because their boss had fought for me, to just leave me alone, and I want to say: thank you to Mr. Mark Zuckerberg. That he will be blessed for honoring God. And thanks you: to Elon Musk, that has done more for God children than anyone, by stopping our Government from muzzling God children, and it not unnoticed, may God blessing be on you, and your whole family, and Maye Musk I love your little dog, he look like my dog Rocky, I call him my 12 foot yorkie, because he does not know he a little dog, he think he a lion, the king of all dogs, all white like your little dog. But would not bite anyone, but bark and growl at them, and act like he will tear them apart. But he just being ornery, mischievous, prankish. I remember he had just come from the groomers, and looked so nice, and had a power smell on him, and my neighbor was burning leaf’s and he went and roll around in the ashes and my neighbor being a good neighbor try to stop him, and he started barking and growling and his tail wagging, I could tell by his tail he loved it, because, she show fear, and no one had ever, fear him before, WHAT IS LOVE, when I met my late wife, she said she did not like me, than she soon knew she love me, because she thought I was a preacher, I ask her why she thought I was a preacher? She said because I did not use bad language, or smoke, or drink, I thought she was 19 and one of the prettiest girl, I had ever seen, she was not attracted to me for my appearance, but love me, because she loved Jesus, she did not know it, but she was a truth teller, and that what President Trump is, a truth Teller, there next to a prophet, their out spoken, they always have to tell you what they think, they always have to tell you the truth, that why president Trump is right so much. The only difference they do not have to be correct 100 percent of the time, like a prophet. When you love someone, you want to be around them, we all have family that hate us, and it work to be around them, that why the Lord will cut his coming short, because it will become impossible for his church to stay here, with the devil children.                                                                                                                   

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