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Writer's picture: hender7bhhender7bh

 Everyone, please read The Truth Shall Set You Free and see how our God has fulfilled 8 Bible prophecies from over 10,000 years ago to as recent as May 12,2024. On my blog Monkey See, Monkey Do!, just recently I was sent two comments, and it was from two men on a video talking in a language I did not understand. I told my daughter I did not understand what they were saying, but I did not think they liked me. So, I went to sleep and the Holy Spirit interpreted their words for me, and they not only did not like me, but hated me. They were the two men that tried to scam Elvis Presley’s mansion from Nigeria. In my dream the Holy spirit showed me how to spit fire from my mouth. It works like a porcupine, when they are afraid, their quills come out. Or when a skunk becomes afraid, their defensive system is armed. All I have to do is be afraid! So please do not try to scare or frighten me, because you may be consumed by fire from my mouth!  And God is not a respecter of person’s, which means Everyone Including family! THAT VIDEO WAS CONFIRMATION TO ME, BECAUSE I WAS HESITANT IN WRITING MONKEY SEE, MONKEY DO, BECAUSE I HAD NEVER USED CURSES BEFORE. THE LORD HAD ALWAYS USED ME TO REMOVE THEM. BUT REMEMBER I HAVE MOSES’ SPIRIT GIVEN TO ME BEFORE I WAS CONCEIVED IN MY MOTHER’S WOMB. THE PROPHET THAT GAVE US THE TEN COMAMDMENTS LIKE MOSES, THE TEN COMANDMENT ARE CURSES, IF YOU DO THIS, I WILL DO THIS!

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