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Why does God use Prophet’s?

And why are his Prophets always so hated?


It is because they know things that has No one has told them except a living God,. it scares us that there is a living God, because Satan's demon whispers in our ear, who does he or she think they are? The word they need to know is providence. it means the guardianship and care provided by God.. When we meet a Prophet, we can’t explain it to our self. so, we hate them! 

I remember when Jesus came to my home in the year 2000. Somehow, I knew it was Jesus in my study with me. I wanted to look up and see his face, but I kept my face buried in a wing chair. because I had read in the Bible that no man can see the face of God. come to find out the Holy Spirt told me my integrity was being tested to see if I would follow what the Bible said. And then Jesus was very complimentary to me because I always followed the word of God, the Bible. I did not know at the time, but that's what he was talking about. the Bible is his word. when I was called to the ministry, I was very shy, and timid, because as a child, my dad liked girls and he already had his son who was big for his age and very handsome. he told me when I was a toddler that when I was born that he thought I was the ugliest baby he had ever seen. so he whipped me at least 3 times a week. But what God liked was every time I was mistreated, I always forgave them and prayed for them, because Jesus said turn the other cheek. When someone hits us on the right cheek, turn your head so they can also hit your left cheek. My dad was just being himself and he was only doing the best he could do. You see, he was helping our Lord to make a Prophet. Every Prophet is mistreated, because they're narrating what Jesus went through for us. 

Let’s look at Iron Mike Tyson the Heavyweight boxing Champ. He was just a nice Guy that loved pigeons. a bully grabbed one of his Pigeons and twisted his head off and little Mike thought that it was not right killing his pet. everyone was amazed when that little guy beat up that big guy. you see, Mike was little when he was a child, just like me. when I was growing up, I was small for my age. If you would go back a thousand generations you would find one of his ancestors was royalty. she was famous worldwide for her beauty, but that is not why. Being hit by Mike is like what happened when the giant goliath was hit by David the shepherd boy's slingshot! it's because of his ancestor Simon that helped Jesus Christ carry his Cross. in Matt 27:32, anyone who said size does not matter, is a fool. For one thing, when you're taller, chances are your reach is longer, when you're heavier, it means the harder you can hit. ask any woman that has ever been in a grocery store why they always put the two liters of soda on the top shelf. it’s because they’re in business to make money and they sell the location that is eye level to brand names. So ,that means that a petite women which is under 5’3 has to lift a 2 liter over her head, which can be very hard when your under 5 foot. but they can walk down the aisle and pick up a brand name and pay twice as much. I’m telling you this to let you know that everything in life revolves around how we treat money.

let’s look at when God initiated tithing in the fourth chapter of Genesis and when God tried to teach man to care for each other and to love one another. remember Jesus said when we Judge, we will be judged. Now let's look at Donald Trump. the Devil enjoys sticking his finger in the eyes of God. he knows when a little weak man or woman slanders and defames a good person, that is hurting God. Because he knows how much God loves each one of us, that's why John tells us in the book of Revelation in the 16 chapter, when he describes the prayer Bowl. the prayers of those who love God are mixed together with God’s anger and given to God’s Angels to bring God’s anger on God’s enemies. If we look at Exodus 20:5. You shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the Lord your God am a Jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the father's on the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands to those who love Me and keep my commandments. If we look at the third chapter of Galatians: Apostle Paul says “Foolish Galatians’! Who has bewitched you, that you should (not) obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed among you as crucified?” We must understand, that both God, and the devil, have character, The Bible calls God's character good because his character is to love each of us, and do well for everyone. he calls the devil Evil that always lies. God is always truth and never lies, God always wants what is best for us, and the devil always tries to assassinate our character to make the world think we are just like the Devil, a liar, murderer, swindler, or con person. The writer of Galatians is Apostle Paul Who loves Jesus and his Church, and now is calling them Fools, he is not calling them fools because he hates them, but because he loves Jesus Christ, and he loves them. he reminded them that he was appointed by the Living God, Jesus Christ, that was resurrected from death after being crucified on a wooden cross, then He reminded them that we are saved by faith in Jesus Christ, because they could not have been saved by obeying the law, but by their faith that Jesus was crucified and was raised to prove that he was and is the Living God. Now these Foolish Galatians, they had some that were teaching that they must follow the :law, because it was given by God, and put on stones by God. but Apostle Paul was telling them that was the old Testament and now they were living under Grace and mercy because of what Jesus had done on a wooden cross. After all, the law brings a curse. if you read Hosea 4:12, ”My people consult their wooden idol, and their diviner’s wand informs them; for a spirit of harlotry has led them astray, And they have played the harlot, departing from their God. We read in John 7:49 No! but this mob that knows nothing of the law-there is a curse on them. 

We all remember the story of God’s prophet Elijah, after King Ahab's death in 2 King 1:11-12, at this the king sent to Elijah another captain with fifty men. He said to him, Man of God, this is what the king says, ‘Come down at once!” If I am a man of God.” Elijah replied, may fire come down from heaven and consume you and your fifty men!” Then the fire of God fell from heaven and consumed him and his fifty men.” Now read Rev 11:5 If anyone tries to harm them, fire comes from their mouth and devours their enemies.” John The Revelator is talking about Jesus’s two Witnesses that Jesus has sent to witness for 1,260 days. then they will be killed and not be allowed to be buried as the world cheers and celebrates their death. then after 3 and half days they will stand and stretch and ascend to heaven for their Martyr crowns. then all the graves all over the world will open and give up all those who have been killed for their confession of Jesus, they had to wait for these two witnesses to lead them to their crowns. for they will receive a martyr crown and we will all throw our crowns to the feet of Jesus! we will be telling all of heaven that our crowns belong to Jesus, because IF it was not for Jesus, we would all be in the lake of fire, and we would be glad to do it again. 

Now, let me tried to explain why we feel that way. my mother had the gift of LOVE. before I was conceived, our Lord had chosen me to be his witness, in the last days, because of her love for all and that Gift of LOVE was given to me before I was conceived. the reason I was whipped so much as a baby and a child was because my dad hated himself and he perceived love as weakness. When Jesus came to my house in 2000 to call me to be his prophet, I was embarrassed but I felt I should tell Jesus that I DID not love his church. He replied that I did not like religious people. then he said religion was an enemy of his cross, and that like him I love them, but felt like him about anyone or anything that tried to do away with his cross. his cross bought freedom salvation, healing, and miracles! God gives man free will, and the Devil is always trying to steal that free will. man will lie and confess they love him (God), but will follow man because they are religious. but unlike someone who loves them, I would always feel sorry for them and pray for them when they slapped or spit on me. that is what He called love. 

I saw a video of Muhammad Ali and he was playing with a toddler. the toddler had boxing gloves on and was punching the Champ in the face. instead of acting like he was not hurt, he was acting like he was hurt to make the baby feel like he was hurting the world heavyweight champ. Ali looked to be very young. when I was growing up my dad would whip me with his belt, Holding one hand while swinging his belt with the other hand. I would cry while running around him, and my mother would cry begging her husband, my dad, to "please stop! he had enough,” She pleaded with him to stop, and one day as I heard her I thought it was hurting her more than me. So, after that, I did not cry but acted like it did not hurt. that's why when someone spits in my face, or hits me in the face, I just smile and tell them I was sorry I hurt their feelings. now you know why I believe my dad was just part of my Loving God's gift to me. because these two witnesses will be able to send Our Lord's prayer bowls to God’s enemies. And you also Know when the devil and his demons eventually kill us. while the world will exchange gifts for our deaths, The Lord will think well done good and faithful servants, because his children have faith. someone that loves his enemies like he loves them all and that is willing to die for his enemies. Someone that has never been an ugly baby like his dad told him, but was full of love like his older brother Jesus who died in his place who thinks all babies should be loved and protected.

 Jesus asks his followers to feed his sheep and protect his lambs, John's name was John the beloved. he wrote in 1 John 4:7, “Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God, because God is love.” Shortly after giving my life to Jesus, I was called to the ministry and everywhere I went to preach, I would see healings and Miracles. I always thought it was because of Jesus' anointing on me. then when Jesus came to my house in 2000 to call me to be his Prophet, Jesus told me that healings and miracles follow the truth. it was because I was always teaching, and his Holy Spirit it was using me to teach his love. I was like his servant Jeremiah, who was called the weeping Prophet. like Jeremiah, I love my brothers and felt sorry for them and prayed for them because they reminded me of my stubborn dad who was trying to get to heaven on the law instead of mercy and grace. 

Now, I told you about a curse on the Law how Jesus had to be crucified on a wooden cross, now let me explain what happens when we don’t follow all the laws. remember, we have to love in order to be saved by the cross of Jesus. Cor 13:2-7, “If I speak in tongues of men and of angels, but not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and I have faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give all my possessions to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It not rude, it not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres." 

History always repeats itself. for instance, the German people were protecting their selves against a religious cult then a political cult hit them. their name was Nazi. the word cult is a group of people who have a leader who use tools to manipulate their followers into obeying a charismatic leader, which always has to be agreed with. For instance, the democratic party is getting ready to spend one hundred millions dollars to defeat Senator Ted Cruz, because he's trying to stop 87,000 IRS agents from being Hired. he thinks they will just be harassing American citizens that make under $50,000, the Republican party will spend nothing to help him. so why do we need a republican party that just goes along to get along. Today we have a democratic party like the Nazi party of the twenties and thirties. so I think Make America great again should replace the old go along to get along republican party. we the people are not footing the bill for the champagne life style. we need American's like Donald Trump who believe it's an honor to represent America. And to test my leadership as being the Prophet of Fire! By giving America this decree I just finished telling you, that the law brings a curse when you break that law, where love brings freedom and praise from Jesus. John the Revelator told us the first curse in Rev 8: John tells us there is 30 minutes of silence in heaven, which is a big thing because heaven is a very happy, jubilant, very positive joyful place, but now there is nothing but silence, because the anger of the Lord has come, and heaven has never seen the Lord God of all heaven and Earth anger, and he summons the seven Golden Censer and all of heaven Knows what that means, the World has been provoking the God of love. now it's time to add up all their sins and iniquities (WHICH MEANS unfair behaviors.) for instance New York convicted President Donald Trump on the lie of one witness and ordered him to pay her, But under the law Deuteronomy 19:15, “One witness is not enough to convict a man accused of any crime or offense he may have committed. A matter must be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.” Do you understand the AG of New York caused the Judge and all the Jurors to be a part of her sentence of death by not being strong enough to be honest. so now they will spend eternity in a lake of fire Because she hates! she has made them guilty of hate. Just like the secretary of state of Colorado and the supreme court of Colorado, I feel sorry for them because God is a Holy God. He judges sin where ever it's found. see, God has given us free will and they're trying to steal our free will. we have to think, this is the spirit of the Anti-Christ because we're made in the image of God. So, we must act like our savior and pray for our enemies and love them because that's what our savior says. That way we are giving back good for Evil. Because soon we will be under the curse of Rev chapter 8, a star will fall from heaven and make all our waters into wormwood which will taste bitter and be poison. a third of our grass and trees will be burnt up. all our water will look like blood and our sea’s and a third of our ships will be destroyed. a third of every fish will be destroyed and great earthquakes will rain down hailstone mixed with fire. now we know why heaven was silent, because men thought they were God’s instead of men. Men that hated their fellow man, and like Adolf Hitler his fellow man was just too stupid to live. kind of like the secretary of state of Colorado. the Colorado Supreme court that wanted to be God. 

Understand in 2015 I wrote a blog that the democratic party was accepting bribes from the drug cartels to allow drugs and human trafficking into our Nation, that's why President Trump can’t get a break from our courts, because they have been bought and paid for. Our lawmakers must start removing evil Judges, and put them in prison before God, has to bring his judgement on our Nation, and we all wake up in a Lake of fire. We don’t have to be angry, but let them know what we mean. we serve a living God. And we are not like them, we love one another. We don’t care what color skin someone has but what is in their heart. we respect one another And especially a president or elder of our nation, unless there are witness against them taking bribes because that is high crimes and treason. he took an oath to serve our Nation and he agreed to a salary not to except bribes. And no Attorney General can say he did not understand what he was doing, because that's inviting others to do the same. he must be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. you see that Attorney General also took an oath and when we take an oath, we are now working for a Holy God, and if we don’t fulfill our oath we need to fulfill the sentence the law breaker should have received. Now I Know why my state Superintendent of Illinois Assemblies of God turned against me and chose a psychic ministry over mine which was nothing like my ministry.

Let me illustrate, A psychic is maybe correct 20 Percent of the time, but God's Prophets have to be correct 100 percent of the time. that's because God speaks through him or her. Zechariah 4:6, this is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit. Says the Lord Almighty. We have to understand, we have the Almighty spirit. we will always be on truth side. the Democratic party has a lot of money because they have been taking bribes for years because they found it easier to pay our politicians; then buy airplanes or submarines. so this is my mandate, the Democratic party is to pay President Trump's fines, all legal fees, all penalties, and anyone who gives to the democratic party, then 90 percent of their wealth will disappear, and that means wherever nation or currency they use. And I come to this conclusion, because Jesus said treat other's the way you want to be treated and they treated Trump with hate and contempt, because he loves his fellow man and was trying to help his nation. they have to be taught they cannot prosper in crime because the Bible says that sin seems good for a short time, but a day will come and we all have to paid.                                                                   

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